Lid driven cavity

\[\renewcommand{\DdQq}[2]{{\mathrm D}_{#1}{\mathrm Q}_{#2}} \renewcommand{\drondt}{\partial_t} \renewcommand{\drondx}{\partial_x} \renewcommand{\drondy}{\partial_y} \renewcommand{\drondtt}{\partial_{tt}} \renewcommand{\drondxx}{\partial_{xx}} \renewcommand{\drondyy}{\partial_{yy}} \renewcommand{\dx}{\Delta x} \renewcommand{\dt}{\Delta t} \renewcommand{\grandO}{{\mathcal O}} \renewcommand{\density}[2]{\,f_{#1}^{#2}} \renewcommand{\fk}[1]{\density{#1}{\vphantom{\star}}} \renewcommand{\fks}[1]{\density{#1}{\star}} \renewcommand{\moment}[2]{\,m_{#1}^{#2}} \renewcommand{\mk}[1]{\moment{#1}{\vphantom{\star}}} \renewcommand{\mke}[1]{\moment{#1}{e}} \renewcommand{\mks}[1]{\moment{#1}{\star}}\]

In this tutorial, we consider the classical \(\DdQq{2}{9}\) and \(\DdQq{3}{15}\) to simulate a lid driven acvity modeling by the Navier-Stokes equations. The \(\DdQq{2}{9}\) is used in dimension \(2\) and the \(\DdQq{3}{15}\) in dimension \(3\).

from __future__ import print_function, division
from six.moves import range
%matplotlib inline

The \(\DdQq{2}{9}\) for Navier-Stokes

The \(\DdQq{2}{9}\) is defined by:

  • a space step \(\dx\) and a time step \(\dt\) related to the scheme velocity \(\lambda\) by the relation \(\lambda=\dx/\dt\),

  • nine velocities \(\{(0,0), (\pm1,0), (0,\pm1), (\pm1, \pm1)\}\), identified in pylbm by the numbers \(0\) to \(8\),

  • nine polynomials used to build the moments

\[\{1, \lambda X, \lambda Y, 3E-4, (9E^2-21E+8)/2, 3XE-5X, 3YE-5Y,X^2-Y^2, XY\},\]

where \(E = X^2+Y^2\).

  • three conserved moments \(\rho\), \(q_x\), and \(q_y\),

  • nine relaxation parameters (three are \(0\) corresponding to conserved moments): \(\{0,0,0,s_\mu,s_\mu,s_\eta,s_\eta,s_\eta,s_\eta\}\), where \(s_\mu\) and \(s_\eta\) are in \((0,2)\),

  • equilibrium value of the non conserved moments

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned}\mke{3} &= -2\rho + 3(q_x^2+q_y^2)/(\rho_0\lambda^2), \\ \mke{4} &= \rho-3(q_x^2+q_y^2)/(\rho_0\lambda^2), \\ \mke{5} &= -q_x/\lambda, \\ \mke{6} &= -q_y/\lambda, \\ \mke{7} &= (q_x^2-q_y^2)/(\rho_0\lambda^2), \\ \mke{8} &= q_xq_y/(\rho_0\lambda^2),\end{aligned}\end{split}\]

where \(\rho_0\) is a given scalar.

This scheme is consistant at second order with the following equations (taken \(\rho_0=1\))

\[\begin{split}\begin{gathered} \drondt\rho + \drondx q_x + \drondy q_y = 0,\\ \drondt q_x + \drondx (q_x^2+p) + \drondy (q_xq_y) = \mu \drondx (\drondx q_x + \drondy q_y ) + \eta (\drondxx+\drondyy)q_x, \\ \drondt q_y + \drondx (q_xq_y) + \drondy (q_y^2+p) = \mu \drondy (\drondx q_x + \drondy q_y ) + \eta (\drondxx+\drondyy)q_y,\end{gathered}\end{split}\]

with \(p=\rho\lambda^2/3\).

We write the dictionary for a simulation of the Navier-Stokes equations on \((0,1)^2\).

In order to impose the boundary conditions, we use the bounce-back conditions to fix \(q_x=q_y=0\) at south, east, and west and \(q_x=\rho u\), \(q_y=0\) at north. The driven velocity \(u\) could be \(u=\lambda/10\).

The solution is governed by the Reynolds number \(Re = \rho_0u / \eta\). We fix the relaxation parameters to have \(Re=1000\). The relaxation parameters related to the bulk viscosity \(\mu\) should be large enough to ensure the stability (for instance \(\mu=10^{-3}\)).

We compute the stationary solution of the problem obtained for large enough final time. We plot the solution with the function quiver of matplotlib.

import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pylbm

X, Y, LA = sp.symbols('X, Y, LA')
rho, qx, qy = sp.symbols('rho, qx, qy')

def bc(f, m, x, y):
    m[qx] = rhoo * vup

def plot(sol):
    pas = 2
    y, x = np.meshgrid(sol.domain.y[::pas], sol.domain.x[::pas])
    u = sol.m[qx][::pas,::pas] / sol.m[rho][::pas,::pas]
    v = sol.m[qy][::pas,::pas] / sol.m[rho][::pas,::pas]
    nv = np.sqrt(u**2+v**2)
    normu = nv.max()
    u = u / (nv+1e-5)
    v = v / (nv+1e-5)
    plt.quiver(x, y, u, v, nv, pivot='mid')
    plt.title('Solution at t={0:8.2f}'.format(sol.t))

# parameters
Re = 1000
dx = 1./128  # spatial step
la = 1.      # velocity of the scheme
Tf = 10      # final time of the simulation
vup = la/5   # maximal velocity obtained in the middle of the channel
rhoo = 1.    # mean value of the density
mu = 1.e-4   # bulk viscosity
eta = rhoo*vup/Re  # shear viscosity
# initialization
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = 0., 1., 0., 1.
dummy = 3.0/(la*rhoo*dx)
s_mu = 1.0/(0.5+mu*dummy)
s_eta = 1.0/(0.5+eta*dummy)
s_q = s_eta
s_es = s_mu
s  = [0.,0.,0.,s_mu,s_es,s_q,s_q,s_eta,s_eta]
dummy = 1./(LA**2*rhoo)
qx2 = dummy*qx**2
qy2 = dummy*qy**2
q2  = qx2+qy2
qxy = dummy*qx*qy

print("Reynolds number: {0:10.3e}".format(Re))
print("Bulk viscosity : {0:10.3e}".format(mu))
print("Shear viscosity: {0:10.3e}".format(eta))
print("relaxation parameters: {0}".format(s))

dico = {
    'box':{'x':[xmin, xmax], 'y':[ymin, ymax], 'label':[0,0,0,1]},
            'conserved_moments':[rho, qx, qy],
                1, LA*X, LA*Y,
                3*X*(X**2+Y**2)-5*X, 3*Y*(X**2+Y**2)-5*Y,
                X**2-Y**2, X*Y
                rho, qx, qy,
                -2*rho + 3*q2,
                -qx/LA, -qy/LA,
                qx2-qy2, qxy
            'init':{rho:rhoo, qx:0., qy:0.},
        0:{'method':{0: pylbm.bc.Bouzidi_bounce_back}, 'value':None},
        1:{'method':{0: pylbm.bc.Bouzidi_bounce_back}, 'value':bc}
    'generator': 'cython',

sol = pylbm.Simulation(dico)
while (sol.t<Tf):
/home/loic/miniconda3/envs/pylbm/lib/python3.6/site-packages/h5py/ FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from `float` to `np.floating` is deprecated. In future, it will be treated as `np.float64 == np.dtype(float).type`.
  from ._conv import register_converters as _register_converters
Reynolds number:  1.000e+03
Bulk viscosity :  1.000e-04
Shear viscosity:  2.000e-04
relaxation parameters: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.8573551263001487, 1.8573551263001487, 1.7337031900138697, 1.7337031900138697, 1.7337031900138697, 1.7337031900138697]

The \(\DdQq{3}{15}\) for Navier-Stokes

The \(\DdQq{3}{15}\) is defined by:

  • a space step \(\dx\) and a time step \(\dt\) related to the scheme velocity \(\lambda\) by the relation \(\lambda=\dx/\dt\),

  • fifteen velocities \(\{(0,0,0), (\pm1,0,0), (0,\pm1,0), (0,0,\pm1), (\pm1, \pm1,\pm1)\}\), identified in pylbm by the numbers \(\{0,\ldots,6,19,\ldots,26\}\),

  • fifteen polynomials used to build the moments

\[\{1, E-2, (15E^2-55E+32)/2, X, X(5E-13)/2, Y, Y(5E-13)/2, Z, Z(5E-13)/2, 3X^2-E, Y^2-Z^2, XY, YZ, ZX, XYZ \},\]

where \(E = X^2+Y^2+Z^2\).

  • four conserved moments \(\rho\), \(q_x\), \(q_y\), and \(q_z\),

  • fifteen relaxation parameters (four are \(0\) corresponding to conserved moments): \(\{0, s_1, s_2, 0, s_4, 0, s_4, 0, s_4, s_9, s_9, s_{11}, s_{11}, s_{11}, s_{14}\}\),

  • equilibrium value of the non conserved moments

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \mke{1} &= -\rho + q_x^2 + q_y^2 + q_z^2,\\ \mke{2} &= -\rho,\\ \mke{4} &= -7q_x/3, \\ \mke{6} &= -7q_y/3, \\ \mke{8} &= -7q_z/3, \\ \mke{9} &= (2q_x^2-(q_y^2+q_z^2))/3, \\ \mke{10} &= q_y^2-q_z^2, \\ \mke{11} &= q_xq_y, \\ \mke{12} &= q_yq_z, \\ \mke{13} &= q_zq_x, \\ \mke{14} &= 0. \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

This scheme is consistant at second order with the Navier-Stokes equations with the shear viscosity \(\eta\) and the relaxation parameter \(s_9\) linked by the relation

\[s_9 = \frac{2}{1 + 6\eta /\dx}.\]

We write a dictionary for a simulation of the Navier-Stokes equations on \((0,1)^3\).

In order to impose the boundary conditions, we use the bounce-back conditions to fix \(q_x=q_y=q_z=0\) at south, north, east, west, and bottom and \(q_x=\rho u\), \(q_y=q_z=0\) at top. The driven velocity \(u\) could be \(u=\lambda/10\).

We compute the stationary solution of the problem obtained for large enough final time. We plot the solution with the function quiver of matplotlib.

X, Y, Z, LA = sp.symbols('X, Y, Z, LA')
rho, qx, qy, qz = sp.symbols('rho, qx, qy, qz')

def bc(f, m, x, y, z):
    m[qx] = rhoo * vup

def plot(sol):
    pas = 4
    nz = int(sol.domain.shape_in[1] / 2) + 1
    y, x = np.meshgrid(sol.domain.y[::pas], sol.domain.x[::pas])
    u = sol.m[qx][::pas,nz,::pas] / sol.m[rho][::pas,nz,::pas]
    v = sol.m[qz][::pas,nz,::pas] / sol.m[rho][::pas,nz,::pas]
    nv = np.sqrt(u**2+v**2)
    normu = nv.max()
    u = u / (nv+1e-5)
    v = v / (nv+1e-5)
    plt.quiver(x, y, u, v, nv, pivot='mid')
    plt.title('Solution at t={0:9.3f}'.format(sol.t))

# parameters
Re = 2000
dx = 1./64   # spatial step
la = 1.      # velocity of the scheme
Tf = 3       # final time of the simulation
vup = la/10  # maximal velocity obtained in the middle of the channel
rhoo = 1.    # mean value of the density
eta = rhoo*vup/Re  # shear viscosity
# initialization
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = 0., 1., 0., 1., 0., 1.
dummy = 3.0/(la*rhoo*dx)

s1 = 1.6
s2 = 1.2
s4 = 1.6
s9 = 1./(.5+dummy*eta)
s11 = s9
s14 = 1.2
s  = [0, s1, s2, 0, s4, 0, s4, 0, s4, s9, s9, s11, s11, s11, s14]

r = X**2+Y**2+Z**2

print("Reynolds number: {0:10.3e}".format(Re))
print("Shear viscosity: {0:10.3e}".format(eta))

dico = {
        'x':[xmin, xmax],
        'y':[ymin, ymax],
        'z':[zmin, zmax],
            'velocities':list(range(7)) + list(range(19,27)),
            'conserved_moments':[rho, qx, qy, qz],
                r - 2, .5*(15*r**2-55*r+32),
                X, .5*(5*r-13)*X,
                Y, .5*(5*r-13)*Y,
                Z, .5*(5*r-13)*Z,
                3*X**2-r, Y**2-Z**2,
                X*Y, Y*Z, Z*X,
                -rho + qx**2 + qy**2 + qz**2,
            'init':{rho:rhoo, qx:0., qy:0., qz:0.},
        0:{'method':{0: pylbm.bc.Bouzidi_bounce_back}, 'value':None},
        1:{'method':{0: pylbm.bc.Bouzidi_bounce_back}, 'value':bc}
    'generator': 'cython',

sol = pylbm.Simulation(dico)
while (sol.t<Tf):
Reynolds number:  2.000e+03
Shear viscosity:  5.000e-05
[ ]: