The Geometry of the simulation

With pylbm, the numerical simulations can be performed in a domain with a complex geometry. This geometry is construct without considering a particular mesh but only with geometrical objects. All the geometrical informations are defined through a dictionary and put into an object of the class Geometry.

First, the domain is put into a box: a segment in 1D, a rectangle in 2D, and a rectangular parallelepipoid in 3D.

Then, the domain is modified by adding or deleting some elementary shapes. In 2D, the elementary shapes are

From version 0.2, the geometrical elements are implemented in 3D. The elementary shapes are

Several examples of geometries can be found in demo/examples/geometry/

Examples in 1D

The segment \([0, 1]\)

d = {'box':{'x': [0, 1], 'label': [0, 1]}}
g = pylbm.Geometry(d)
g.visualize(viewlabel = True)

(Source code, png, pdf)


The segment \([0,1]\) is created by the dictionary with the key box. We then add the labels 0 and 1 on the edges with the key label. The result is then visualized with the labels by using the method visualize. If no labels are given in the dictionary, the default value is -1.

Examples in 2D

The square \([0,1]^2\)

d = {'box':{'x': [0, 1], 'y': [0, 1]}}
g = pylbm.Geometry(d)

(Source code, png, pdf)


The square \([0,1]^2\) is created by the dictionary with the key box. The result is then visualized by using the method visualize.

We then add the labels on each edge of the square through a list of integers with the conventions:

  • first for the left (\(x=x_{\operatorname{min}}\))

  • third for the bottom (\(y=y_{\operatorname{min}}\))

  • second for the right (\(x=x_{\operatorname{max}}\))

  • fourth for the top (\(y=y_{\operatorname{max}}\))

d = {'box':{'x': [0, 1], 'y': [0, 1], 'label':[0, 1, 2, 3]}}
g = pylbm.Geometry(d)
g.visualize(viewlabel = True)

(Source code, png, pdf)


If all the labels have the same value, a shorter solution is to give only the integer value of the label instead of the list. If no labels are given in the dictionary, the default value is -1.

A square with a hole

The unit square \([0,1]^2\) can be holed with a circle (script 1) or with a triangular or with a parallelogram (script 3)

In the first example, a solid disc lies in the fluid domain defined by a circle with a center of (0.5, 0.5) and a radius of 0.125

d = {'box':{'x': [0, 1], 'y': [0, 1], 'label':0},
     'elements':[pylbm.Circle((.5, .5), .125, label = 1)],
g = pylbm.Geometry(d)

(Source code, png, pdf)


The dictionary of the geometry then contains an additional key elements that is a list of elements. In this example, the circle is labelized by 1 while the edges of the square by 0.

The element can be also a triangle

d = {'box':{'x': [0, 1], 'y': [0, 1], 'label':0},
      'elements':[pylbm.Triangle((0.,0.), (0.,.5), (.5, 0.), label = 1)],
g = pylbm.Geometry(d)

(Source code, png, pdf)


or a parallelogram

d = {'box':{'x': [0, 3], 'y': [0, 1], 'label':[1, 2, 0, 0]},
     'elements':[pylbm.Parallelogram((0.,0.), (.5,0.), (0., .5), label = 0)],
g = pylbm.Geometry(d)

(Source code, png, pdf)


A complex cavity

A complex geometry can be build by using a list of elements. In this example, the box is fixed to the unit square \([0,1]^2\). A square hole is added with the argument isfluid=False. A strip and a circle are then added with the argument isfluid=True. Finally, a square hole is put. The value of elements contains the list of all the previous elements. Note that the order of the elements in the list is relevant.

square = pylbm.Parallelogram((.1, .1), (.8, 0), (0, .8), isfluid=False)
strip = pylbm.Parallelogram((0, .4), (1, 0), (0, .2), isfluid=True)
circle = pylbm.Circle((.5, .5), .25, isfluid=True)
inner_square = pylbm.Parallelogram((.4, .5), (.1, .1), (.1, -.1), isfluid=False)
d = {'box':{'x': [0, 1], 'y': [0, 1], 'label':0},
     'elements':[square, strip, circle, inner_square],
g = pylbm.Geometry(d)

Once the geometry is built, it can be modified by adding or deleting other elements. For instance, the four corners of the cavity can be rounded in this way.

g.add_elem(pylbm.Parallelogram((0.1, 0.9), (0.05, 0), (0, -0.05), isfluid=True))
g.add_elem(pylbm.Circle((0.15, 0.85), 0.05, isfluid=False))
g.add_elem(pylbm.Parallelogram((0.1, 0.1), (0.05, 0), (0, 0.05), isfluid=True))
g.add_elem(pylbm.Circle((0.15, 0.15), 0.05, isfluid=False))
g.add_elem(pylbm.Parallelogram((0.9, 0.9), (-0.05, 0), (0, -0.05), isfluid=True))
g.add_elem(pylbm.Circle((0.85, 0.85), 0.05, isfluid=False))
g.add_elem(pylbm.Parallelogram((0.9, 0.1), (-0.05, 0), (0, 0.05), isfluid=True))
g.add_elem(pylbm.Circle((0.85, 0.15), 0.05, isfluid=False))

(Source code)


(png, pdf)


(png, pdf)

Examples in 3D

The cube \([0,1]^3\)

d = {'box':{'x': [0, 1], 'y': [0, 1], 'z':[0, 1], 'label':list(range(6))}}
g = pylbm.Geometry(d)

(Source code, png, pdf)


The cube \([0,1]^3\) is created by the dictionary with the key box. The result is then visualized by using the method visualize.

We then add the labels on each edge of the square through a list of integers with the conventions:

  • first for the left (\(x=x_{\operatorname{min}}\))

  • third for the bottom (\(y=y_{\operatorname{min}}\))

  • fifth for the front (\(z=z_{\operatorname{min}}\))

  • second for the right (\(x=x_{\operatorname{max}}\))

  • fourth for the top (\(y=y_{\operatorname{max}}\))

  • sixth for the back (\(z=z_{\operatorname{max}}\))

If all the labels have the same value, a shorter solution is to give only the integer value of the label instead of the list. If no labels are given in the dictionary, the default value is -1.

The cube \([0,1]^3\) with a hole

d = {
    'box':{'x': [0, 1], 'y': [0, 1], 'z':[0, 1], 'label':0},
    'elements':[pylbm.Sphere((.5,.5,.5), .25, label=1)],
g = pylbm.Geometry(d)

(Source code, png, pdf)


The cube \([0,1]^3\) and the spherical hole are created by the dictionary with the keys box and elements. The result is then visualized by using the method visualize.